Yu Ning Sustainability Technology Corporation

A leader in ESG solutions

Total solution for water, electricity, oil, gas and carbon


About Yuling Sustainability

Yuling Sustainable Technology is a technology integration company dedicated to environmental sustainability.
The team of Yuling Sustainability Technology includes environmental engineering experts and the ITRI team, forming a strong professional technical service team.
Yuling Sustainability cooperates with NCH, a U.S. company, to focus on wastewater treatment and organic sludge reduction technology.
Yuling Sustainability integrates its energy management, renewable energy, air purification and carbon trading teams to provide ESG technology integration solutions.

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Business Items

1. Sludge biological treatment technology

Traditional wastewater treatment sites encounter problems
  • Contains high levels of hydrogen sulfide, producing odors that cause air pollution and neighborhood protests
  • High concentration of organic matter is not easily decomposed, excessive aeration, increased electricity expenses, COD, BOD, TSS, FOG emissions exceed the standard, resulting in fines and increased other treatment costs
  • Open-air aeration tank is difficult to control the biological bacteria phase, and environmental and weather changes
  • The use of chemical agents produces a large amount of solids and sludge such as scum, resulting in high treatment costs and secondary pollution of the environment.


Patented Biological Wastewater Treatment Technology (BioAmp)

Certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Foundation as harmless to humans, animals and plants

Product Benefits

Helping wastewater plants reduce carbon emissions by 65%

Raw material acquisition

  1. Waste water inflow
  2. Chemical agents
  3. Related Supplies ( Laboratory )
  4. Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation processes


  1. Wastewater is treated by physical, biological and chemical methods
  2. Blower power and other equipment energy consumption
  3. CH4, N20, C02 dissipate gas during the biological reaction

Waste treatment

  1. Drainage water indicators (BOD, MLVSS Level)
  2. Sludge Production and Disposal
  3. Waste transportation
  4. Processes related to waste gas treatment
Assist wastewater plants to save 30% in total cost

Total Operating Cost =

Energy ; Electricity Costs

NCH innovative biotechnology requires only low dissolved oxygen and contains a wide variety of microorganisms, anaerobic, aerobic and oxygen-depleting bacteria, which can adapt to the low oxygen environment and continue to work.

Sludge treatment costs (dewatering, disposal and transportation)

NCH's innovative biotechnology effectively utilizes microbial endocycling and feeding properties to reduce sludge production.

Carbon emissions, carbon neutrality

Reduce carbon emissions from sewage plants

Amount of chemical agents used

Microorganisms can regulate pH, inhibit acidification from decomposing organisms, and reduce pH adjustment; sludge reduction will also reduce the amount of PAC, PoIymer, etc.

Recycled water reuse

The lower the discharge water quality standard, the better it is for reuse of recycled water and reducing the cost of recycled water.

Sustainable operation

Responding to the long-term impact of climate change on business

Product Advantages

This system is an external product and will not affect the existing wastewater treatment system.

Client Case

Industrial Factory

2. livestock breeding environment improvement technology

The pain points faced by traditional livestock farmers

Excessive use of antibiotics, pigs and poultry to develop resistance.
Poor environment and high turnover rate of employees.
High concentration of organic matter is not easy to decompose, COD, BOD, TSS, FOG discharge exceeds the standard, resulting in fines and other treatment costs.
Animal waste contains high levels of hydrogen sulfide, which creates a foul odor and causes air pollution and protests from neighbors.
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Product Description

Product Advantages

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Enhance piglet survival

Reduced piglet mortality

Improve meat exchange rate

4.7% increase in feed conversion rate

Environmental Odor Reduction

Significantly reduces odor and fly infestation
Reduce the volume of feces and improve environmental hygiene